More burntfaceman :D:D
I make cartoons and crap. I also make videos, podcasts and do a bit of writing. I make music as Locust Toybox, I'm The Manager and with the Grape Diggers (+others).
Was shit
Leeds UK
Joined on 1/29/04
More burntfaceman :D:D
I'm looking forward to your new stuff. *hopes for new salad fingers*
Why are you not on the front page contact Tom, NOW!!
didn't want to waste my week's front page post at 5am. I'll announce the new cartoon in a front page post.
Keep on keeping at it B)
I only ever come onto Newgrounds to check updates from you and somebody (don't know if you've ever seen his stuff).
Glad to hear we can expect something from you soon! Thanks for all the wonderful visions.
Best of luck in 2010 and beyond.
Can't wait to watch the fuck out of that movie your making.
dude im new and junk u seem to know this website. im trynna make a couple of buddies just to b/s with srry to bother you but u dont seem like a jackass like some ppl on here lol. i hope u write me back (wow i sound like a dork) if not srry 4 waisting your time (ill take it back once i get my time machine working lol)